PPTC Code of Conduct

You may always send any conduct concerns to conduct@pptc.org

The Prospect Park Track Club is welcoming and inclusive community organization which expects and relies on all members to uphold the Code of Conduct for members, established below. 

Represent the Club

Through my membership in the Prospect Park Track Club, I am committed to representing my Club with the utmost respect. In the community, I am a face of PPTC and will make decisions that positively represent the Club. 

Treat Everyone with Dignity

I know the Prospect Park Track Club is a diverse community organization with many different backgrounds, experiences and viewpoints and I embrace all of my teammates with dignity and respect.

Speak Positively

I understand that my words and actions may extend beyond myself and I will respect my teammates through personal, electronic and social media communications.

As a member of the Prospect Park Track Club, I will refrain from, and report illegal or unethical practices related to training and racing. I am committed to following the rules of the race event organizers whenever I participate in their events. This includes (and is not limited to) not participating in bib transfers, following the official course, not running a race as a bandit, and respecting race facilities.

Uphold the Rules

Competitors make me better and I respect and appreciate their presence at races. I know their value and I am committed to acting with proper running etiquette and consideration to my competitors during races. My behavior towards competitors reflects on PPTC as a welcoming and inclusive running club.

Respect Competitors

I will act with the Club’s best interest in mind, and will be supported by PPTC leadership. I understand that my failure to meet the Prospect Park Track Club Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions. This Code is set in place to provide an outline of expectations so Club leaders can address behavior(s) that “cross the line."



Privacy Policy

At Prospect Park Track Club, we take privacy very seriously. The Board is putting out an official privacy policy to clear up any misunderstandings among our members.

  • The only people with access to the full contact information of our members are those on the membership committee.

  • Information collected during registration is used only for club-related purposes and is not shared with outside organizations without a member’s express consent.

  • The Google Group and Facebook Member Discussions Page are for members only. Those who apply to join the groups are manually approved by the membership committee after cross-checking their information with our rolls.

  • Members should keep posts primarily related to the club and/or running. Some non-running related posts are acceptable, but users should avoid spamming the forums.

  • Members should not use or share the contact information of other members without their express consent.

Violators of any of these rules will be subject to review by the board and/or membership committee and may be removed from the online forums and/or club.


PPTC Statement Against Religious Hate

PPTC strives to be an inclusive community where everyone is welcomed and respected. Our Code of Conduct requires that members embrace all teammates with dignity and kindness.  PPTC strongly condemns antisemitism, Islamophobia, and any type of intolerance based on actual or perceived national origin, ethnicity, race, and religious background, beliefs, or expression. As a club, we are committed to actively creating a safe and inclusive space for runners of all religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds.  Runners join PPTC for their love of running and the running community we provide. There is no room for hate or discrimination of any kind in our club.



PPTC on Anti-Racism


PPTC values diversity, equity, and inclusion of all members and individuals in the Brooklyn and running communities, and acknowledges that racism is an issue that we must address as a Club. We recognize that racism and systematic oppression exist in our communities and we stand in solidarity with our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) runners and the community at large.

PPTC strives to be an inclusive community where everyone is welcomed and respected. As a growing and diverse organization with people of many different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints, our Code of Conduct requires that members embrace all teammates with dignity and respect.

In line with Our Mission we acknowledge that working towards becoming a more inclusive Club and fostering a more equitable and inclusive Brooklyn is an ongoing effort. We must continue to and do more to foster a diverse and inclusive Club with equally diverse leadership and opportunities. We must do more to build, support, and celebrate our own diversity while championing anti-racism in the running community as a whole.

PPTC resolves to amplify the voices of BIPOC runners in our club and identify when and where we fall short in this regard. We continue to work to reflect and celebrate the diversity of Brooklyn in our activities, events, social media, and funding decisions. We will also critically examine and address the structural challenges embedded in our community that continue to impact our BIPOC members and the Club’s goals of diversity and inclusion.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Board or the Diversity Committee with questions, concerns, and ideas. The Board welcomes open dialogue about these issues and how we can move forward together. Thank you.

PPTC Board + Diversity Committee

PPTC’s Board can be reached by email at board@pptc.org
PPTC’s Diversity Committee can be reached by email at


Communications and Posting Guidelines

Prospect Park Track Club was established as a running club to support our members and our local community. The following guidelines apply to all current and future club communications channels, including the email list, Discord, Google forum, and club social media accounts. Posts that do not adhere to the following guidelines are subject to removal. In addition, we expect members to adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times, in particular to the tenets to treat everyone with dignity and to speak positively.

1. Be Respectful: Members are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect. Any communication that’s deemed as harassment, inflammatory, or threatening will not be tolerated. Even if you disagree with someone, we expect that discourse will remain civil.

2. Keep It Relevant: We often encounter overlapping conversations or information overload. Please keep messaging on topic and relevant to running.

3. Know Your Audience: Messages often don’t need to reach the thousands of members in the club. Carefully review the Discord channels to see if there is a specific channel that your note might be appropriate for. This can help ensure that messages are directed to the right audience. When responding to an email, exercise discretion when hitting “reply all” instead of “reply”.

4. Politics: We appreciate the diverse viewpoints of our members. To respect these diverse viewpoints, avoid engaging in political issues on club communication channels. We encourage members to find alternative platforms for those discussions, preferably in direct and in-person communications.

5. See Something, Say Something: We aim to cultivate a safe space for communication and will be vigilant about prohibiting content that’s viewed as obscene, violent, offensive and explicit. We encourage you to reach out if you see something on our communication channels that violates our code of conduct.