Results – 2015 Harry's Handicap

Goal was for finishers to cross the line at 10:45. First runner started at 10:00. Seeding by race directors Matt Strawn and Geoff Vincent.

Rank Name Finish time Start time Total time Pace
1 Kelly Greene 10:40:58 10:15:00 25:58 7:45
2 Maggie Deschamps 10:41:50 10:16:00 25:50 7:43
3 Mickey Newman 10:41:59 10:00:00 41:59 12:32
4 Tifenn Python 10:42:07 10:16:00 26:07 7:48
5 Tony Watson 10:42:19 10:19:00 23:19 6:58
6 David Lansner 10:42:42 10:10:00 32:42 9:46
7 Carolyn Kubitschek 10:42:56 10:07:00 35:56 10:44
8 Max Abrahams 10:42:57 10:10:00 32:57 9:50
9 Tom Byrnes 10:43:03 10:10:00 33:03 9:52
10 Charlene Kohler-Britton 10:43:06 10:10:00 33:06 9:53
11 Michelle Karwejna 10:43:12 10:10:00 33:12 9:55
12 Howard Abrams 10:43:15 10:17:30 25:45 7:41
13 Lennie Nemerovsky 10:43:41 10:11:30 32:11 9:36
14 Andy Wong 10:43:47 10:16:00 27:47 8:18
14 Jill Gregory 10:43:47 10:12:00 31:47 9:29
16 Sarah Carr 10:43:50 10:14:30 29:20 8:45
17 Christine Weiher 10:44:01 10:20:30 23:31 7:01
18 Yves Roger 10:44:08 10:15:00 29:08 8:42
19 Neil Feldman 10:44:21 10:16:30 27:51 8:19
20 Leiba Rimler 10:44:22 10:19:30 24:52 7:25
21 Daniel Campos 10:44:26 10:25:30 18:56 5:39
22 Tyghe Trimble 10:44:32 10:24:30 20:02 5:59
23 Doug Olney 10:44:36 10:16:30 28:06 8:23
24 Spencer Gallop 10:44:59 10:24:30 20:29 6:07
25 Daniel Dougherty 10:45:14 10:22:00 23:14 6:56
26 Bruce Weiner 10:45:37 10:15:30 30:07 8:59
27 Tim Shields 10:45:38 10:22:30 23:08 6:54
28 Anna Reguero 10:45:39 10:18:00 27:39 8:15
29 Rachel Walther 10:45:47 10:20:00 25:47 7:42
30 Lawrence Balick 10:45:54 10:15:00 30:54 9:13
31 Mark Guralnick 10:46:01 10:19:00 27:01 8:04
32 James Cappiello 10:46:02 10:22:30 23:32 7:01
33 Rich Innamorato 10:46:04 10:07:00 39:04 11:40
34 Richard Nolan 10:46:05 10:00:00 46:05 13:45
35 Tom Tobin 10:46:16 10:19:00 27:16 8:08
36 Mark Jennings 10:46:22 10:20:00 26:22 7:52
37 Frank Deleo 10:46:36 10:19:30 27:06 8:05
38 Janice Fuld 10:47:04 10:17:00 30:04 8:59
39 Claire Dougherty 10:47:14 10:17:30 29:44 8:53
40 Tom Greene 10:47:24 10:20:00 27:24 8:11
41 Aaron Koffler 10:47:31 10:10:00 37:31 11:12
42 Rhony Dostaly 10:47:53 10:21:00 26:53 8:01
43 Alan Rosenberg 10:47:55 10:13:00 34:55 10:25
44 Julie Mann 10:49:25 10:18:00 31:25 9:23
45 Kamen Yotov 10:50:31 10:20:30 30:01 8:58
46 Zoe Prawda 10:50:53 10:15:00 35:53 10:43
47 Marianne Prawda 10:53:15 10:00:00 53:15 15:54
48 Justin Wong 10:55:07 10:24:30 30:37 9:08
ResultsKeith Williams