PPTC on Anti-Racism


PPTC values diversity, equity, and inclusion of all members and individuals in the Brooklyn and running communities, and acknowledges that racism is an issue that we must address as a Club. We recognize that racism and systematic oppression exist in our communities and we stand in solidarity with our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) runners and the community at large.

PPTC strives to be an inclusive community where everyone is welcomed and respected. As a growing and diverse organization with people of many different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints, our Code of Conduct requires that members embrace all teammates with dignity and respect.

In line with Our Mission we acknowledge that working towards becoming a more inclusive Club and fostering a more equitable and inclusive Brooklyn is an ongoing effort. We must continue to and do more to foster a diverse and inclusive Club with equally diverse leadership and opportunities. We must do more to build, support, and celebrate our own diversity while championing anti-racism in the running community as a whole.

PPTC resolves to amplify the voices of BIPOC runners in our club and identify when and where we fall short in this regard. We continue to work to reflect and celebrate the diversity of Brooklyn in our activities, events, social media, and funding decisions. We will also critically examine and address the structural challenges embedded in our community that continue to impact our BIPOC members and the Club’s goals of diversity and inclusion.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Board or the Diversity Committee with questions, concerns, and ideas. The Board welcomes open dialogue about these issues and how we can move forward together. Thank you.

PPTC Board + Diversity Committee

PPTC’s Board can be reached by email at board@pptc.org
PPTC’s Diversity Committee can be reached by email at