PPTC Committees
PPTC has a number of committees of members that keep our club running and our community fun! There's something for everyone on every committee, so don't hesitate to get involved, or start a new group for something new.
Clothing Committee
clothing@pptc.org Chair: Oren Efrati The Clothing Committee manages current clothing inventory and selects new options for PPTC garments and gear.
Communications Committee
communications@pptc.org Chair: Colleen Lynch Social Media Managers: Adam Iannazzone and Lillian Park Keeping the club and the community informed. To submit a photo or story for publication on PPTC's social media channels, please email insta@pptc.org.
Elections Committee
Chair: Missy Burgin The Elections Committee runs the annual Board elections each April.
Grants Committee
grants@pptc.org Chair: Christy Johnson The Grants Committee oversees PPTC's charitable giving endeavors.
Membership Committee
membership@pptc.org Chairs: Oren Efrati and Jennie Matz Overseeing member benefits, volunteer credits, and other perks of being part of PPTC.
Race Committee
Chair: Tom Meany The Race Committee plans, organizes and executes our quality races throughout the year.
Social Committee
social@pptc.org Chair: Crystal Cun
The Social Committee organizes fun events, like New Members Runs, food runs, and post-race brunches. We're always looking for new event organizers; send us an email to join in and give back to your running community!