Prospect Park Track Club is continuing the Rewards Program for 2012 which was initiated in 2011 as a small token of thanks to the volunteers who spend some of their time volunteering doing many different jobs to make our club a continued success. If you are unfamiliar with this program it works like this: Any PPTC member who volunteers for a minimum of ten hours in the calendar year 2012 will be entitled to receive from PPTC, in appreciation of their help, one of the following rewards.
1) An article of clothing (your choice if available) from the PPTC Product Catolog or
2) Free entry into either of our two races, Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot or Cherry Tree in February or
3) An additional one year free membership to PPTC.
There are many volunteer opportunities available to get in your ten hours, for example, helping with the various races, Turkey Trot, Cherry Tree,Speed Series, Picnic, Race Committee, Articles for the Newsletter etc.
To make sure you get credit for your time it is important that you let the person in charge of the project
know that you are there to help.