The Inside Loop - February 2014

Gung Hei Fat Choy, The Year of the Horse! Let's all strive to run like one, not a retried Clydesdale but rather one that's up for the Triple Crown!

Thanks to Katherine Byrnes for donating the three ''big ass'' trophies to the top three females finishers at this past Harry's Handicap New Year's day event. This was a tradition that PPTC used to embrace, donating trophies, both male and female, to club races.

Heal well wishes to Tom Tobin's Alli after her bone shattering injury at the renovated and newly opened Prospect Park ice rink.

Great to read Tom Meany's mention of Danny Genova's art exhibition in Red Hook. Danny was literally a flash from the past who won a marathon out west back in the day.We dont know if he's even running these days but he is still working the right side of his brain and getting his art out there for all to see.

Looks like PPTC will have feet on the track at Millrose mid month at the 168th Street Armory in upper Manhattan.

2013 was the year PPTC's team of female fleet feet hit the boards, so to speak, but Millrose 2014 is the PPTC's male masters runners turn. Stay tuned, PPTC, for how PPTC men ran.

Speaking of Millrose, thanks to PPTC's Wayne Bailey, Troy Heard, Patty ChongTenn, Paula Vandenes, Janice Fuld and PPTC friends Sid Howard and his wife Asteria for volunteering with USADA and their drug testing efforts at this year's Millrose . Fresh from their efforts at the Fifth Avenue Mile and the NYC Marathon, the PPTC vols make USADA's drug testing efforts happen!

We're told that that PS 107 has a track team that runs a 5k every Friday in the park and does running drills at the Armory in inclement weather. PS 107 is located on 8th Avenue between 13th & 14th Streets in Park Slope, 11215, diagonally right across from PPTC's indoors winter training camp at the Park Slope Armory.

The Cincinnati Zoo is sponsoring a contest and is collecting donations of new, used, even broken cell phones to recycle in order to help preserve the habitat of endangered African gorillas. The gorillas live in an area being mined for Coltan, an ore used in the production of many electronics. Recycling the phones , no matter where you are, prevents several harmful substances -- antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, copper and lead -- from entering the environment during disposal.

PS 107 is the only school in New York to participate in the Cincinnati's zoo contest and PPTC was asked for our assistance.

Join the Go Bananas! Challenge by bringing in your old cell phones!

The Ps 107 battle cry is "Recycle your old cell phone and help save endangered gorillas"

The cell phone recycling box will be in the school's main office until March 21st, you can call Susan Tang at (646) 272-8914 to arrange a pick-up. or discuss any questions you may have about this PS107 venture.

Word is that Dave and Carolyn will be looking for the QE II's running deck as they take in the sights and sounds of the Pacific Ocean. I'm sure they'll miss shovelling out their stoop and sidewalk but we certainly can fill them in.

Sure hope the PPTC Awards Party isnt snowed out as was the February general meeting but remember well that the Cherry Tree is the Race for the Hard Core. Sunday February 16th might see the inside loop slick with rain, covered with snow or ice, sloshed in sleet , or bombarded with hail , maybe even sunny and unseasonably warm .Running throughout the year, four seasons, three times the inside loop,alone or as part of a relay, the race must go on, the hardcore PPTC will be there !!!!

Prospect Park Track Club