The Inside Loop – June 2016

While many PPTC runners swarmed across the finish line at the Healthy Kidney 10K in Central Park on Saturday, May 14, special thanks go out to PPTC's Wayne Bailey, Doug Olney, Nicole Importico, and Aisha Qamar for their stellar drug-testing assistance in serving as volunteers with USADA.

And who was that shirtless runner crossing the finish line at the SuperHeroes Half Marathon on Sunday, May 15th, in Morristown, New Jersey?  He didn't waste any  time with  post-race stretching; instead he headed directly to the finisher's cool-down area and proceeded to shake, rattle, and roll out the kinks and the tightness to the accompaniment of rock music. Though he's flown below most of our radars for a number of years, Sergio Cano used to be a prominent figure at our events in Prospect Park, and even more of a presence on the dance floor at the annual PPTC awards parties. "Say hi to everyone and anyone who might remember me!"  So if you remember Sergio from on the roads or on the dance floor at PPTC  parties in  Shepherds Hall at Holy Name -- this means you!

Although May was Melanoma Awareness Month, our concern for the dangers of unprotected sun exposure should not end as we run into June.  Whether you're out and about on the roads, at the beach, or on your bike, make sure to be sun-safe. Any areas of exposed skin are susceptible to the rays of the sun, which unfortunately can cause skin cancer. Your skin is your body's largest organ, so cover up with a broad-brimmed hat, clothing with SPF, and lather exposed shoulders, arms, and legs with at least SPF 30 sunscreen. As the season progresses, be exceedingly mindful of the outdoors between 10 AM and 4 PM, when the deadly effects of the sun's rays can be at their most perilous. If you notice any lesions on your skin that cause you concern,  get thee to a dermatologist and let him or her check it out.  Better safe than sorry!

The Al Goldstein Summer Speed Series is upon us! Every other Wednesday night at the Lakeside Center, check in for the 5K race that starts at 7:10 PM. Run or volunteer, but be there! For those of us who may have just returned to this planet, the Lakeside Center is the site of the ice skating rink, close to either the Ocean Ave./Parkside Ave. intersection, or the Lincoln Road entrance/exit. And now that you have been told, you may never ask again.

I know you're fast, we all are (ahemmm), but have you glanced over your shoulder and slowed long enough to see the large sculptures at the side of the inside loop roadway? GAP's triangle has one!

Mike Ring received a call recently from Emma Blascovich, who sadly informed him that her husband and long-time Broadway Ultra Society Member, Sam Soccoli, has passed away. He apparently had been suffering from lung cancer for the past several months. He was 84. Rest in peace, Sam.

Congrats to Steve and Stacey Lastoe, who really made the last weekend in May a special one. Congrats also to Paula VandeNess and Monica Holmes on their life together. May the times to come bring only health and happiness!

Have shoes and lightweight running clothes that you'd love to see put to better use than sitting buried in your drawers and closets,  yearning to be free? I'm always collecting for Ian Grey's runners in Belize. Send me an email (  and we'll hook up. Don't dump 'em, donate 'em!