The Inside Loop – May 2015
Shock, sadness, sympathies, and prayers for Veronica Antoine, family and friends on the death of her son Leon.
On behalf of Ian Grey and his groups of runners in Belize, many thanks to PPTC's Daniel Schack for his recent donation of "still-lots-of-miles-left-on-them" running shoes. Hey, got shoes that are just sitting there and not being used? Lets make arrangements to donate them. Don't trash 'em, donate 'em.
Have you checked out the new logo that Keith Williams cooked up for this column?
PPTC farewells to Klazina upon her return to her home in the Netherlands after she wrapped up her art course work here. Klazina was a prominent member of Thursday night's speed session group at the Park Slope YMCA Armory for this past winter's indoor season with Coaches Tony and Charlene. Why do I suspect that she'll be back if not in person, then at least in spirit as a poster on PPTC's Facebook page. Do they run in the Netherlands or just spend most of their time growing daffodils and tulips and and... O tweet to us dearest Klazina.....
Hail to the PPTCers who shared toespace in their respective corrals at the 2015 Boston Marathon!
Back in the day PPTC used to try to find a watering hole with a bartender or manager with the skills needed to get Boston on their restaurant's cable or the satellite channel and over burgers and beers we d settle in and look for the few PPTCers who were running. A challenge for the daytime guy and on a Monday in April yet! I think we once thought we saw Doug Olney cheering from the sidelines at about mile 19 but our request for an instant replay to determine if the guy we thought we saw was actually Doug or Doug's stunt double could not be granted.
To echo Nick Guerrero's sentiments, "In all seriousness and sincerity, to all those running Boston, typing on behalf of many who can only be with you in spirit, run the streets of Massachusetts with grace, sweat and pride. When completed, please have one of Boston's own Sam Adams for us, well, maybe, have two, and enjoy the moment! With respect and admiration, Go PPTC!"
Achilles International has come to Brooklyn! Meeting at Jack Rabbit on 7th Avenue at 6pm on Thursdays, PPTC's Nicoletta Nerangis invites athletes who need assistance working out and athletes who can assist them as guides to come on down. The group makes its way to the park and after a brief warm-up at the 3rd street and the inside loop roadway, athlete pairings are determined and then it's off and running.
Harry's Wall will now be accompanied in close proximity by Bobby's Tree and Bench. On Friday, April 24, those who knew and loved PPTC's long time member and past president Bobby Fisher had the opportunity to meet and greet Bobby's sister Stephanie and her husband, her son, many of PPTC's members, their families, and friends at the dedication of the tree planted in remembrance of and dedication to Bobby along the path that runs from Harry's Wall towards Lakeside behind a monument.
It was a beautiful afternoon to share the karma that Bobby had for Prospect Park and for PPTC. Bobby's Tree had already been planted but we participated in filling the hole, adding mulch, and securing the tree stakes and protective fencing.
Harry Murphy, Paul Soskind, Bobby Fisher, we will never forget you.