2014 Elections: time to cast your vote
There are five candidates in this election cycle standing for two open slots, which will be allotted as follows:
- The candidate who receives the most votes will serve for three years. This seat is held by Nicole Importico and is due to expire.
- The candidate who receives the second-most votes will serve for one year. Jason Horowitz has resigned his seat, and his replacement will fill the remainder of his term.
Individual members may cast one ballot; those with family memberships may vote twice, but the votes must come from different members of the family (on the honor system). You must have been a member in good standing as of March 3, 2014 to vote.
The candidates' Letters of Intent are below. Balloting will close at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 6.
When you have made your decision, please click here to vote.
Rhony Dostaly
Dear Election Board,
My name is Rhony Dostaly, and I'm writing to notify you that I wish to submit my name for one of the two open seats on the Prospect Park Track Club Board of Directors.
I have been a member for over one year and have come to regard members of the Prospect Park Track Club as not only running buddies or even teammates but also as very close friends.
Since becoming a member, I have gained so much knowledge and been shown great generosity. My hope is to serve on the board to the best of my abilities and to give back to the club that has shown me what a true running club should be.
I respectfully submit my name for your consideration.
Sincerely, Rhony Dostaly
Janet Gottlieb
When I moved to the Prospect Park vicinity, twenty-some years ago, cars were permitted in the park almost all the time, except on weekends. The park was so intimidating that my weekday runs occurred on the outer sidewalk. Since I thank the contributions of PPTC for Prospect Park's becoming running friendly, both by limiting car hours and by improving lane assignments, I think it's time I gave back. PPTC has also become a great source of fellowship and support for local runners at all levels--hard to believe PPTC once was an elite club (or so I've heard)--and I hope to be part of a Board which is welcoming to all while fielding strong teams in local events.
Nicole Importico
To the Members of Prospect Park Track Club,
I am seeking election to the Board of Directors for Prospect Park Track Club. I joined PPTC in April 2011 and immediately got involved by volunteering for the Al Goldstein Summer Speed Series and attending the monthly membership meetings. My first race wearing the PPTC colors was the Team Championships that August and I was so proud to be representing our great club – the camaraderie, team spirit and unique make-up of our club is unparalleled. I was truly honored when I was voted 2011 New Member of the Year and knew that I wanted to continue to give back to the club that has given so much to me. So, I started helping out at the monthly meetings, volunteering for the various races we put on, and I joined the clothing committee and social committee. I was fortunate to be selected by the Board to finish out a term due to a resignation, and it would be a privilege
and an honor to continue to serve our club as an elected Board member. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Sincerely Yours, Nicole Importico
Steve Lastoe
Hi There –
Thank you for considering me for one of the vacant positions on the Prospect Park Track Club board. I’ve been a member of PPTC since 2010 and a member of the race committee for nearly as long. More recently, I helped restart the club’s communication committee and helped create the new PPTC Speed Read. I’ve been running PPTC races since 2004 and I believe the Al Goldstein Speed Series was my 2nd race ever in Brooklyn (Kenny Dolan being first). I also PR’d on the course the next summer.
I’m running for the board because I believe I can help the club develop more opportunities for the membership to run together, socialize together, and accomplish its community goals such as supporting youth running and protecting our backyard, Prospect Park.
I believe that we can and should get more of our members involved as volunteers, organizers, and committee members and that there would be great value in that. I’m particularly interested in developing more offbeat and ad hoc runs such as Jess Yeoman’s magnificent FGR run, getting a deeper pool of members involved in the club’s races, and in seeing what we can accomplish in our community as a community (we are a rather large group). I love the club and I think the best is yet to come.
Thank you again, Steve Lastoe
Linus Ly
I would like to run for one of the two available spots on the Board. I've been a member for over two years and have participated in a few PPTC events, including the Turkey Trot, Cherry Tree 10M, Al Goldstein Summer Series, monthly meetings, group volunteering with NYRR, etc. In the past, I volunteered as Software Reviewer and Cartoonist for About This Particular Mac online tech magazine, as Treasurer and Webmaster for Astoria Residents Reclaiming Our World, as Instructor and Magazine Editor for Vietnamese-American Youth Organization.
When you have made your decision, please click here to vote.