Surviving in a COVID-19 World: Virtual Classes for Real Life Fitness
PPTC Member Emily Gollub is offering virtual yoga classes this month via Zoom. More information can be found on the Facebook discussion page.
We’re all in this together. With everything going on, it can be difficult to stay fit. Whether you are a gym rat lamenting over the closure of all gyms, or if you are just looking for a way to stay fit, get fit, or occupy some of your time at home, there are a lot of online resources that might be helpful. Join your PPTC teammates in staying connected and fit.
The blog team and I will update this list from time to time, but we’re hoping that things go back to normal soon and we won’t have to do that. If you can recommend virtual classes or know of any events not listed here, email us at
PPTC Member and certified yoga instructor Emily Golloub (in conjunction with the Social Committee) is holding virtual yoga classes through Zoom. The yoga classes are free for members, but Emily is running the New York City Marathon on Autism Speaks’ charity team. If you’re able to contribute, donations would be greatly appreciated. Emily’s classes are scheduled for March 25, 27, and 30. More information can be found on the PPTC Member Discussions Facebook Page.
Member Ben Kessel, who you may know from PPTC’s outdoor physical training classes in the summer and the indoor classes at Priority Fitness, posted a series of at-home exercises for running health and economy. Priority Fitness also posts a weekly workout on its website, so you can change things up from week to week.
There’s also a virtual Plank Party, hosted by Crystal Cun and the social committee, which is currently scheduled to happen on April 1. More info on the Facebook Discussion Page (including rules for planking, how to time yourself, and what is/isn’t allowed during competition). The top two “plankers” will each win a piece of PPTC gear, donated by the clothing committee.
Outside of PPTC-led events, there are a lot of online resources for virtual fitness classes. Some are free and have been around for a long time, but some were launched in response to COVID-19 and newly established social distancing/home confinement requirements.
Two companies in the virtual fitness game are Daily Burn and Beachbody. You might remember Beachbody from late night ads for fitness DVDs; they offer the same programming on demand. Daily Burn offers a wide variety of fee based on-demand virtual classes, including yoga, cardio kickboxing, Pilates, and muscle building.
Daily Burn offers a 60-day free trial. Beach Body on Demand is offering a 14-day trial, so you can finally check out P90X or find out what Piyo is.
In response to COVID-19, Warrior Flow Foundations is providing virtual yoga classes led by volunteer certified yoga instructors in exchange for a donation to the foundation. Information about classes can be found on their Facebook page or by following them on Instagram; note that this information isn’t available on their website.
A lot of fitness professionals have taken to Instagram to provide workouts and dance classes for all of us gymless people. Debbie Allen, the no-nonsense dance instructor from the movie and TV show “Fame,” recently held a virtual dance class via her Instagram account. You can see a video recap of the class here. It looks like she’s going to be holding more virtual classes, so if you’re interested, follow her on Instagram or Twitter.
Valentina Lequeux regularly posts workout routines on her Instagram account. All are weight bearing or use dumbbells or exercise bands. She was brought to my attention by a friend who has been training with her, and who has had some amazing transformative results.
New York yoga, barre, and HIIT instructor Felicia Csolak is holding fitness classes via Instagram Live on her account. A schedule for her free Instagram Live classes is available on her website. Look to see if your favorite fitness professionals or fitness studios are posting workouts or holding virtual classes.
PPTC’s Google Forum was quick to get on the search for indoor fitness routines/classes. Some of you have recommended these online resources:
Joel Z.’s recommendation of workouts posted by his gym, Crossfit Gym South Brooklyn for equipment free workouts.
Ashley B. recommended her friend’s YouTube channel Open Haus. Her friend is a trainer, mom, and distance runner.
Ola G. recommended this six-minute workout that includes mountain plants, which she finds to be particularly effective.
Katie F. recommended the plethora of easy to follow workouts on Fitness Blender, which she says she has been doing for years.
Is there a virtual fitness class that you love and would like us to know about? Email and we’ll include it in an updated version of this post.
Original post by: Linda S. Chan
Edited by: Alison Kotch
Produced by: Alison Kotch