Member Spotlight: Janet Gottlieb
Janet at the NYRR Bronx 10 Miler
This member spotlight is on Janet Gottlieb, who we interviewed on the blog in 2017. We followed up with Janet to see how the pandemic has affected her training, and how she stays motivated even though her PR days are behind her.
How did you get into running?
Running and cycling were my “go to” workouts from the time I was a teen. We lived in the West Bronx, and the Jerome Park reservoir was a favorite running spot.
Then in my twenties, when I started working and sitting all day–I'm 66 now–regular running was a good way to ensure I got some exercise. Running races here and there (in Queens, where I lived, and also Central Park), kept me honest.
Why did you join PPTC?
Michael Ring lives near me and encouraged me to join the club. Running had always been my “me time” and I was skeptical, but my motivation had more to do with our “Cars out of the park!” action than group running: When I came to the neighborhood in 1992, cars were allowed in the park on weekdays, and I did my weekday runs on the sidewalk.
What is your favorite club event/activity?
My favorite club activity–especially now that I'm so slow and have few running companions–is volunteering, assisting others to participate in our events and in the Marathon. So I'd say my favorite PPTC memory is “the school” a participant some years, and volunteer during others.
What distance do you most enjoy about running/racing? Why?
While I've done a few marathons, I prefer shorter races, especially as I've gotten older and require more recovery time, even after a “loop”. My PRs are of course behind me, but I still enjoy the challenge.
Has the pandemic changed how you run/race at all? Why?
Because I've been retired for a few years, my running (three times a week) is one thing which *hasn't* changed during the pandemic, except for doing virtual races instead of corporeal ones. But I haven't been able to get to the gym for cardio cross-training, so I have gotten better about walking a few miles every day I don't run.
Editor’s note: Jana Trenk previously interviewed Janet for a 2017 blog post, which has more detail on what it was like in “the old days” of PPTC, back in the 80s. Check it out for additional inspiration.
PPTC is a diverse and supportive team. We want to celebrate the diversity of our club and membership, and encourage everyone to share your stories with us.
Text: Janet Gottlieb
Photo: NYRR
Edited by: Linus Ly & Alison Kotch
Produced by: Alison Kotch