Running for Love


There seems to be a running boom and news outlets are reporting that running clubs are the new alternative to dating apps. Some of our past PPTC couples have met through dating apps and some have met through the club (see our couples posts from 202420232022, and  2020). This holds true for the couples featured this year, so if you’re looking for love and tired of apps, maybe it’s time you check out a PPTC group run. In the meantime, read about some more of our PPTC couples and how they met.

Kali Pfaff and Nathan Pfaff

You may remember Kali (she/her) from the New York City Marathon Panel held at the October General Membership Meeting and you may remember her mentioning her husband Nathan (he/him). But how did Kali, a director in healthcare administration at Lenox Hill Hospital, and Nathan,  a Senior Director of Transformation at Ultramaritime come to meet and how does PPTC play into their relationship?

When did you meet?  How did you meet?

We met in fall 2014 on Tinder. Nathan had just moved to Cleveland and his first message to me was so polite and thoughtful that I thought he was looking for new friends. I had grown up in Cleveland and had recently ended a long-term relationship. A lot of my Tinder profile was running photos, and Nathan’s main photo was him on a bike. I made our wedding save the date to look like the Tinder match screen. 

 Were each of you runners before you met?

 I was! I had been running for a little more than 5 years at that point and our first date was a week after I had won a 100K in Pennsylvania. Nathan ran cross country and track in high school and then was a casual runner and would run with me every so often. But then I decided to enter the Chicago lottery in 2017, Nathan surprised me by entering the lottery as well and he’s been running marathons since.

Do you run together?

 Not much, sometimes Nathan will pace me in a short race or we’ll do an easy coffee run together to somewhere in Brooklyn to see a new coffee shop.

What do you admire most about your partner’s running?

Kali: I admire how much of a consistent pacer Nathan is. His ability to just set a target pace and stick to it, whether the distance is 2 miles or 26.2 is incredible to me. This has definitely come in handy when I’ve tried to move up an NYRR corral! In general, but this also applies to running, Nathan is really unfazed about things that I worry about. His calming presence, especially before a big race like the marathon, is really helpful for me. He never gets anxious or worried about a big race, he just goes out and gets it done at a very even pace. 

Nathan:  Kali has a ton of grit.  She has this ability to push through anything and everything to finish a race. I have crewed several ultras for her and it is always amazing to watch how hard she will push to get through and accomplish a goal. It is always inspiring to watch Kali stick with something even when it is incredibly difficult.

What is something unexpected about your partner that you could share with us?

Kali: Nathan really loves puzzles of all kinds, like tabletop ones or the NYT crossword and will not stop finishing a puzzle once he starts. 

Nathan: Kali has developed a deep love for electronic music.  I sometimes wonder if it is just another way to get some long cardio in via dancing. She still comes to the group runs the next morning! 

How does running affect your relationship with one another?

It’s definitely helped us connect in another way. I think we both recognize how much of a positive impact running has had on our lives personally and having running to connect over has helped strengthen our relationship. It’s also been really fun to cheer each other on, too. 

Has being a PPTC member contributed to your relationship?

We moved here three years ago from Ohio and didn’t have many friends here yet. Being PPTC members has helped us to find community and a larger circle of friends and a bundle of other runners to talk to.

What advice do you have for new couples?

Kali: If you really want to test a new relationship, have your partner crew you at an ultra. Nathan has been my crew for many ultras in our relationship. But a few months into dating, I DNF’ed a 100 miler halfway through and he saw me experience some really bad moments, and he was there with me to support me through it. It will definitely show how you show up for each other in tough times. 

Nathan: I am reminded of a piece of advice that was given to us by an old hiker on a road trip we took through New England. He had been married 50+ years and his advice was to have extensive conversations with your partner daily. I’d also advocate for doing a lot of phone free activities.

What advice do you have for any of our single members looking for that special “running mate?”

Finding your perfect “running mate” is a marathon, not a sprint—so pace yourself and enjoy the journey. Run your own race; it’s okay if you’re not the same speed. Sometimes the best connections happen when you step outside your comfort zone and go the extra mile. And don’t be afraid to make the first move—exchange contact info, join group runs, and put yourself out there! After all, the best way to find someone who can go the distance with you is to keep showing up. If they make you laugh and give you that race-day excitement, you might just have found a keeper. 

 Laura and Nate GraY

Laura and Nate at their first marathon - the 2021 Maine Marathon

Nate (he/him) is an urban planner for the New York City Economic Development Corporation and is the leader of this Saturday’s group run. Laura (she/her) is a civil engineer who runs infrastructure construction and redevelopment projects in New York City, and she’s one of NYRR’s nominees for Runner of the Year for her age group. Read more on how this speedy couple makes it all work.

When did you meet?  How did you meet?
We met in graduate school at the University of Michigan. We were in the same graduate program, and we met in line for bagels and coffee during the first day of orientation. We started dating that fall and we got married in October 2006. 

Were each of you runners before you met?
Nate: I was a high school athlete, so my running was limited to scampering around a soccer field, a basketball court, or a lacrosse field. I dabbled in triathlon during my freshman year in college. After that I ran occasionally to try and stay fit. I didn’t really start to focus on running until after my kids were a little bit older, and I had some time on my hands. 

Laura: I was always into being fit but never ran competitively. Running has been part of my fitness routine for as long as I can remember. 

Do you run together?
We run together during the Saturday group run. We used to run together during the week, but Laura gets up too early to make it to work for Nate. We ran the last two NYC marathons together. We also ran the Brooklyn Marathon together.  

What do you admire most about your partner’s running?
Nate: I admire many, many things about Laura, so it is hard to pick one particular thing. I admire how once Laura decided to make running a part of her life, she has been all in; she has been so dedicated and consistent. I also admire how gritty she is during a race, particularly her efforts at the last two Boston Marathons, when it was pouring rain one year and blazing hot during the other. I saw her in the last few miles of each race and it was clear that she was hurting, but she was still focused and pushing with everything that she had. I admire how when she picks a goal, she is all in. No zone 2 for this one. She sets her eyes on a target and she goes full bore towards it.  

Laura: I have such a wonderful life partner. I am so fortunate. I admire Nate’s persistence and dedication to his training. These tremendous efforts that he does. I also admire Nate’s ability to enjoy the last few miles of a marathon. I am in this deep, dark place and Nate is high fiving everyone with this amazing positive energy. He gets me through to the finish. 

What is something unexpected about your partner that you could share with us?
Nate: Laura always laughs at commercials with talking animals. 

Laura: Nate’s got some serious rhythm. I’ve had so much fun dancing with him over the years.

How does running affect your relationship with one another?
Running gives us a chance to spend time just with each other. Time when we aren’t focused on our jobs or our kids. 

Has being a PPTC member contributed to your relationship?
PPTC is filled with wonderful people who do amazing things in running and in life. Being part of such a great supportive running community benefits everyone and benefits our relationship. We love cheering our PPTC friends on in races and feeling the love when we are competing.

What advice do you have for new couples?
Support one another. Find common interests and pursue them together.

What advice do you have for any of our single members looking for that special “running mate?”
Ham it up with people on the runs, don't be shy.  

Halle and Stephanie Amore

Halle (they/them) is a high school history teacher and Stephanie (she/her) is a producer currently working at Barclays bank. I met Halle at one of their first runs with the club and then a week later I met Stephanie, here’s your chance to meet both Halle and Stephanie

When did you meet?  How did you meet?
Halle: I moved to Brooklyn in the summer of 2017 and was networking for friends. A friend of a friend took me out to play bocce with who she called her “rad group of queer friends” one night. Steph was there, at Union Hall in Park Slope, wearing her signature cap and glasses and making everyone laugh.

Stephanie: I thought I’d be cute and ask Halle to be on my team. They agreed, and then I realized that your teammate actually stands on the opposite side of the court the entire game (smooth move Steph). Thankfully we got to talking afterwards and exchanged numbers.

Halle: We became friends after that and started dating several months later. Our first date was the 2018 Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge! We’ve been together ever since and got married in June of 2022.

Were each of you runners before you met?
Stephanie: Yes! At the point when I met Halle I had run three full marathons and had just run London a few months before.

Halle: We each had run three marathons prior to meeting, and we ran our fourth together in Honolulu in 2019!

Do you run together?
Stephanie: Hahaha.

Halle: Hahaha. 

Stephanie: That’s a loaded question!

Halle: We did run the full Honolulu marathon together and each set a PR…for our worst race time ever. It was so hot! I’m glad we were there to support each other to the finish for that one, but we realized we are just different marathoners.

Stephanie: We still run together occasionally, for fun runs or to be cute and spend time together. After the PPTC Turkey Trot this year we did a loop together to celebrate. But we race too differently to train together.

What do you admire most about your partner’s running?
Halle: Steph is great at balancing running so that it doesn’t take over her life. She allows herself to rest when she needs it, which is hard for me to do. She also has an amazing ability to finish a marathon without training, and without injury.

Stephanie: Halle’s absolute commitment to consistency. It blows me away how focused they can be. [They’re still the only human who will ever convince me to run 22 miles IN THE SNOW.]

What is something unexpected about your partner that you could share with us?
Halle: Steph volunteers every week at a local chicken coop! She affectionately refers to the chickens as “the girls” and treats them to our old cauliflower.

Stephanie: Despite wearing glasses and being queer, Halle is not a vegan, or even a vegetarian.

How does running affect your relationship with one another?
Stephanie: Being a runner is helpful because I understand Halle’s mindset when they’re marathon training, and the toll it takes on them and our relationship when training ramps up. I know when I need to step in to be extra supportive, and extra soft.

Halle: Steph has been at every finish line since I met her! I think it’s really important for two people in a relationship to each nurture their own individual pursuits and support the other in doing the same. I appreciate that Steph sees that the time I spend running is good, not just for me, but for our relationship. It’s also fun to travel for marathons together! 

Has being a PPTC member contributed to your relationship?
Stephanie: We like to volunteer at PPTC races together! It gives us a chance to spend time and help out the club.

Halle: We’ve also made friends in the club, both individually and together. It’s been great to grow our social circle through PPTC.

What advice do you have for new couples?
Halle: Steph and I are really different people (and different runners), and that’s our greatest strength. We make an amazing team by complementing each other’s skills, while still having the important stuff in common. My advice would be to embrace your differences. It’s a good thing to find someone who has what you lack.

Stephanie: Ditto.

What advice do you have for any of our single members looking for that special “running mate?”
Stephanie: Remember that your special “running mate” might not be in your pace group…be in PPTC…or even be a runner at all. As long as they support you doing what you love, that is what is most important.

Halle: Ditto. And–always say yes to bocce!

Erin Conti and Brooks Walker

Surely sparks were bound to happen when Brooks (he/him), an electrical engineer who works on projects for electric utility companies and Erin (she/her), an architectural lighting designer, met. AND they met through PPTC.

When did you meet?  How did you meet?
Erin: We met in July 2023 through PPTC! I had been in the club for about 6 months and he had just joined. We first met during a new member run, and throughout that summer we kept running into each other at PPTC events - speed training, Saturday long runs, Al Goldstein volunteering and then the last fireworks run of the summer where the fireworks actually ended up being canceled. The day after that Brooks asked me to brunch. Our friends joke that despite no actual fireworks that night, there were fireworks between us.

Were each of you runners before you met?
Erin: Yes - I was still fairly new to running having started in 2022, but we were both training for fall marathons when we met. 

Brooks: I had been running for a few years prior to meeting. I completed my first half in 2017 and first marathon in 2018. Since then I have been mildly consistent completing a few more halves and fulls over the years for fun.

Do you run together?
Brooks: We do! We’ve run together on long runs through two marathon training cycles, on vacations, on weekdays before work, or just to Trader Joe’s on the weekends. Lately Erin has been running much much more than I have (since she is training for Rock the Ridge) so I’ll join her for the last few miles of her double digit long runs. Our paces are very similar so it makes it easy. 

What do you admire most about your partner’s running?
Erin: I admire how Brooks doesn’t take running too seriously. I don’t mean that he doesn’t train hard, but he understands that it should be fun, and that it is a privilege. He reminds me that it is something I get to do, not that I have to do.

Brooks: I admire the amount of thought and intentionality that goes into her training plans, but also her ability to adjust when life gets in the way. This “rugged flexibility” is her recipe for her success. 

What is something unexpected about your partner that you could share with us?
Erin:  Brooks has a hidden talent, which is pottery. We took a class together and he picked it up right away. I’m definitely trying to get him to do more. 

Brooks: Give Erin a crochet hook and she can make you anything. You want a blanket? Easy. You want a dinosaur? She can do that too. One of the very first things I had to learn in this relationship was that crocheting and knitting are NOT the same thing and use different tools. 

How does running affect your relationship with one another?
Running is sort of what we built our relationship off of - it was a big thing we had in common and we understood the time and dedication that goes into training. Especially during training blocks, running drives our schedules. Our weekend plans can revolve around the Saturday morning long run, but as our relationship has progressed we’ve learned to make time outside of running for ourselves and each other.

Has being a PPTC member contributed to your relationship?
Definitely - without PPTC we never would have met.

What advice do you have for new couples?
Make sure to always make time for your relationship. Whether it’s during a training cycle or a busy season of life, save some room in your schedule for your partner.  Even if it’s just dinner one night or coffee before work in the morning, it’s important to be intentional about making time for each other. 

What advice do you have for any of our single members looking for that special “running mate?”
It sounds counterintuitive, but our advice would be don’t put too much energy into looking. Neither of us were looking to date someone within the club, but we found each other when we least expected it. Just be yourself and keep showing up at things you enjoy and you never know who you will meet!

Jen Shin and Igor Enin

Jen (she/her) is a recovering architect working in non-profit urban sustainability and Igor (he/him) is a healthcare actuary working in consulting. Their appearance on the PPTC couples blog post has been a year in the making. Since I first reached out to them to participate in the couples blog post, a lot has happened! There was a wedding and now they’re expecting their first child next month!

When did you meet?  How did you meet?
We met on April 29, 2022 at a Friday morning run at SEC! This was Jen’s first PPTC group run. We went on our first date the next day - a walk in the park!

Were each of you runners before you met?
Yes! Igor was running since childhood and had completed a couple marathons by the time we met, one of them (the Paris marathon) right before meeting Jen so he had something to brag about.

Jen was a “new” runner and had just finished the NYCRuns Brooklyn half, so felt she was a “real runner” enough to join PPTC. (A view she now thinks is pretty silly because anyone who runs is a real runner.)

Do you run together?
We love running together, but recently we haven't been running together since Jen is really pregnant :)

What do you admire most about your partner’s running?
Jen brings people together when she’s running and she’s always up for an adventure. 
Igor is consistent and always shows up - in running and in life.

What is something unexpected about your partner that you could share with us?
Jen is an amazing cook and loves to cook for the people around her. 
Igor loves to dance and is always wiggling around a little bit at home. 

How does running affect your relationship with one another?
Running was the way we initially connected. It’s so simple and the consistency helped us to get to know one another in a way that felt organic and fun and full of adventure. Nowadays, running just helps keep us grounded, whether it’s with each other or not.

Has being a PPTC member contributed to your relationship?
Yes! PPTC is how we met and we love our friends and community we have found through running.

What advice do you have for new couples?
We feel like we are a new couple ourselves :P do you have advice for us? 

What advice do you have for any of our single members looking for that special “running mate?”
Running is a special way to get to know someone so be open and curious to learning about your running mates - you never know who you will meet!

Jen and Igor at their wedding in Prospect Park’s Boathouse

Suzanne and Chris Jenkins

In my interview questionnaire, for background, I ask the interviewees what they do for a living, and try to draft a little intro paragraph to the interview with that information. With this interview, Suzanne (she/her) and Chris (he/him)’s personalities come through right at the get go. I thought it would be a shame to miss out on their tone here, so I’ve published the question and answer.

For background, what do you do for a living? 
Suzanne: I work in finance as a treasury product controller which probably sounds a lot more fancy and interesting than it actually is!

Chris: I started life after University as an external auditor and accountant - in my current role I still use a lot of those skills and the mindset, managing a team across NYC, Glasgow and Mumbai which independently validates a lot of varied global regulatory reporting. Hopefully if you got this far, my answers will get more interesting from now on. 

When did you meet?  How did you meet?
We met at the University of Glasgow as we were on the same course, so we were in a lot of the same classes. We probably met initially in 2003, but got to know each a lot better by 2005 when we started dating - our first date was Pizza Hut and to see King Kong just before Christmas that year! Fast forward to 2007 when we moved in together in a place called Partick a few miles west of Glasgow. Then we (finally, in Suzanne’s eyes) got married in 2013, which so far doesn’t seem too unlucky for us 😀

Were each of you runners before you met?
Suzanne: Not at all!! I hated running or any sport/physical activity.  As a child I hated sport, I think in large part because I thought I wasn’t good enough at it so I tended to shy away from it and avoid it as much as I could at school.

Chris: I was a half-decent sprinter from about the age of 11 - I competed nationally at the 60m (indoor season), the 100m, 200m, the 4 x 100m relay and the long jump. Very occasionally I would join the 4 x 400m relay team, but if 200m was too far for me, then 400m was certainly too far for me. I also did the triple jump for my club when needed for points, on the simple basis that if you’re fast, you can get a decent distance. This was proven to really only be partially true, given I managed to hospitalize myself quite spectacularly in one competition!

Do you run together?
Suzanne: We generally don’t run together as Chris is weird and generally runs alone, but we are both big on traveling to new places and in recent times we have started to take running stuff away with us, particularly on city breaks (we used to think people that did that were crazy!). Then we will run together as it’s generally a great way of seeing much larger parts of a city than if you were to walk, oftentimes also including the less touristy and more ‘real’ places. 
There was also one time when Chris joined me for the last 5 miles of my 20 mile run to try and encourage me and help me through the last few painful miles but instead it resulted in me stopping after a couple of mins and shouting that he was going too fast and pushing me too much and to just leave me alone to finish!  He did in fairness stick with me to finish but stayed about 2 paces behind me after that to let me go at my own pace!  

What do you admire most about your partner’s running?
Suzanne: Chris’ quiet optimism, determination and positive attitude.  Chris takes everything in his stride when it comes to running (and life) and never questions his ability. He always approaches races/training with a positive mindset that he can do it no matter what. Also, I admire his ability to make running look so easy especially when he bounces past me going up zoo hill in the summer speed series races!

Chris: Suzanne had never ran in her life until we both joined PPTC in 2018 or 2019. Given that, I am immensely impressed and proud of the commitment she shows, the endeavor and the grit, to go from that to completing her first marathon in 2021. I think it’s actually incredibly inspiring. 

What is something unexpected about your partner that you could share with us?
Suzanne: Chris insists he hates coffee despite never having tried it!  He is not a morning person so I keep trying to tempt him with coffee to perk him up but he refuses. He also hates tea/hot chocolate - basically any drink you would get from a coffee shop which means we never go on coffee dates. :( 

Chris: Suzanne was so fussy with food that she had cheese sandwiches for her “meal” on our wedding day. The cheese had to be grated as well. Given just how basic a meal that is, when they were serving the food, they served her the most ridiculously large platter of cheese sandwiches! Since moving here, she is a lot more adventurous with food, which is probably in large part driven by the absolutely phenomenal standard of culinary experiences we pride ourselves on in the UK! 

How does running affect your relationship with one another?
Suzanne: Although we don’t often run together, having a shared hobby of running has had a positive impact on us individually and as a couple.  I can talk to Chris about all things running related and know he gets it and I find with us both being runners we motivate each other to get out the door and go for that run even on days when it’s the last thing you feel like doing.  I usually think to myself oh Chris is going out his run so I suppose I really should go too and he is good at gently encouraging me out the door.  When I get back from my runs I’m usually in a much better mood and excited to share how the run went and tell Chris all about it!

Chris: I’m not sure running affects our relationship really, although Suzanne may disagree as I’m so disorganized and late for everything that on the rare occasion I do something resembling a long run, we tend to be a touch late for lunch. It’s probably closer to what a lot of people would call dinner time. That said, I’m not sure either of us take it too seriously for it to have too much of an impact, which is one of the main reasons I like the club. We have everything from hardcore folks who take everything really seriously, to those who treat it more as a hobby and a bit of fun, as well as a good way to meet new people and friends.

Has being a PPTC member contributed to your relationship?
Suzanne: When we moved over from Scotland in 2017 we didn’t have a single family member or friend here and when we both then joined PPTC a couple of years later I felt like we found our little community.  Being welcomed into the club and feeling like we have a place here where we truly belong has been pivotal in us building our life together here.  We’ve built some lovely mutual friendships through the club and enjoy attending events and races such as the summer speed series races together.

Chris: I initially thought “no, not really”, but actually before joining I was so unfit I was struggling to run half a block for the train (did I mention I’m always late?). That wasn’t a particularly healthy version of me, so when I do think about it, it’s been a way for me to retain a degree of fitness which is then just overall better for your day to day life. In that way, without probably realizing, it then has to contribute to a healthier relationship. 

What advice do you have for new couples?
I think friendship is key in a relationship so make sure you have a strong base friendship. Also, never go to sleep on an argument!

What advice do you have for any of our single members looking for that special “running mate?”
Suzanne: Go to lots of social events/training runs etc and put yourself out there by talking to different people.  And this is probably boring but true… be yourself!

Chris: I’ll stick to giving boring advice on tedious accountancy related matters, and maybe slightly more interesting advice on beer related matters, then leave this one to the experts. I’ve never even had Tinder, or any other dating app for that matter. This renders me completely unqualified. I will say always be yourself though.



Mary and Johnny welcomed Calvin to their family in May of last year.

Johnny, Mary, and Calvin at Harry’s Handicap


Little sister Skye was added to the crew in 2023 and Paul, now 4 years old, has done some kids NYRR dashes this fall, which has been a lot of fun. Skye can’t wait until she’s old enough to join in! 


Yushiro ran the New York City Marathon and had a close call - he dropped his wedding ring down a grate in the corral! Luckily other runners helped him lift the grate and lower down to retrieve his ring - an Instagramer caught it all here. Motoko recently had bunion surgery and is looking forward to rejoining PPTC on some runs soon! Their daughter Kate is styling in pre-K and will be running her first race at the kids’ race at the NYRR Washington Heights Salsa, Blues, and Shamrocks 5K!


Julia and Brad eloped in Scotland last autumn, then Julia and Brad both ran the New York City Marathon (Julia’s first marathon and Brad’s third).

Photo credit: The Caryls Photography

Interview questions and introductory text by: Linda S. Chan (she/her)
Interview answers by interviewees as noted
Photos courtesy of the featured couples
Produced by: Linda S. Chan

PPTC is a diverse and supportive team. We want to celebrate the diversity of our club and membership. We welcome and encourage everyone to share their stories with us.