How to cross the Willis Ave Bridge when you are not with 40,000 other runners and it is closed to auto traffic.
If you are running the last 10 miles of the NYC Marathon on Saturday Oct 30th 2010 you will not be able to cross the Willis Ave bridge the same way you would on Nov 7. (For a more interesting story click here)
These beautiful people at left told me that there will be no more changes to the pedestrian access between now and Saturday. They also wish us all good luck.
Follow more signs.
Go down stairs.... At the road on the bottom you make a right and go under the bridge.
Under the Bridge is not paved so well
After going under the bridge turn left
and go to this ramp.. You still have to go over the Degan.
After that cross the street and get to the gas station
Turn left and you are back on the Marathon Route
for the rest of the route you can follow these signs.