Are you PPTC's next Secretary?
Dear PPTC: As you know, the Secretary position went unfilled in this year's election. The Board has decided to appoint someone to fill the two-year term (expiring April 2017).
If you are interested in being considered, please send an email to stating why you would like to serve. Any member may submit a self-nomination, regardless of time spent in the club.
Please do so no later than Tuesday, June 2.
Former Secretary Anne Perzeszty, who was elected to a Director position this past cycle, wrote the following about the role:
The Secretary performs all duties assigned to the Secretary by the Board. The primary responsibility is to record the actions of all Board meetings, keeping the minutes and distributing them to Board Members prior to the next meeting. Minutes are reviewed at each meeting and accepted by a vote of the Board Members. In addition, the Secretary notes any edits and makes the necessary changes.
We look forward to your interest.
Keith Williams Chair, Elections Committee