Our speaker for the Sept meeting is the illustrious Matt Imberman!
Coach Matt Imberman will be hosting a clinic on common mistakes that people make with their training. This is a great meeting to attend if you have questions about your training for your fall races, such as, "I'm afraid of losing all my fitness during taper. Should I cram in two more hard and long speed workouts the week before the marathon?" or "My goal marathon pace is 8:15 mm. Should my easy runs be at a 8:28 pace? I'm afraid that 8:30 pace is too slow and I'll lose all my fitness." or "My training plan says to run 5 tempo miles at a 7:50 pace, but today is 95 degrees with 99% humidity and I couldn't sleep last night because my baby was sick and crying. Should I still go out at that pace for this workout? I'm afraid that if I don't hit the pace that I'll lose all my fitness." or "I really want to BQ at my fall marathon. Training is going great and I know I haven't lost any fitness despite the fact that for the last 2 months I skipped several training sessions because of work/illness/laziness/or other reasons. My longest run was 12 miles. I haven't run at all for the last two weeks. And I haven't hit any of the paces for my workouts. Should I still go out at my goal race pace? I believe in the power of positive thinking."