A Portrait Of A New York City Marathoner
It wasn’t Monday, but we donned our medals for portraits at Der Pioneer following the Friday morning SEC run. Here are some of our 2024 New York City Marathoners and a little bit about what they had to say about their races.

Lianna Blakeman, “I just kept thinking, the faster I run the faster I can be done!”

Gabriella Dziorny, “My favorite part of the race was mile 25 when I realized I would achieve my goal of going sub-4 . “

David Coleman, “Even after NYC Marathon #12, coming off the Queensboro on to 1st Avenue always sent a chill down my spine.”

Angela Workoff, “I actually had a blast (maybe too much fun) running over the Queensboro.”

Amit Dubey, “I kept on running because I was cold and wanted to be warm.”

Maxwell Wolkin, “Greatest city in the world! Special shoutout to the PPTC cheer squad on 5th Ave that picked me up when I was walking with cramps and helped me get running again to hit my B-goal.”

Meet Patel, “Screw pace goals - I hit my fun goals. And that’s only because I got to see so many lovely faces cheering me on. Special shout out to the volunteers, you guys are the best.”

Harsha Misra, “The greatest day of the year! Best of humanity sharing a few precious collective moments of unconditional togetherness.”

Dave Koch, “How much did I pay to do this to myself!?!“

Kishor Vayyala, “Best marathon experience so far!!!”

Erin Anthony, “Thanks to everyone who cheered and volunteered—it was a perfect day!!!”

Cameron Mizell, “I’m so grateful for, and proud of, all my PPTC training buddies and the way the club organizes to make this such an incredible experience!”

Bjorn Boettcher, “Amazing experience running through the streets I call home and having a whole city show up to support. Thank you.“
Introductory text by: Linda S. Chan (she/her)
Produced by: Linda S. Chan
Photos by: Linda S. Chan
PPTC is a diverse and supportive team. We want to celebrate the diversity of our club and membership. We welcome and encourage everyone to share their stories with us.