As we seek safe harbors and fill our time in ways that are meaningful (or that simply pass the days), PPTC looks forward to reunions to come, while maintaining and building community virtually. Part of this comes from story-sharing, which our members Linus Ly, Nick Cohen, and Savanity Davis have generously done.
Read MoreAs social distancing continues to be the norm, group activities are still a distant memory. Instead of meeting up with training partners, club members have stepped up to participate in “Help Me, PPTC”, an initiative to run errands (often literally) and make deliveries to people in need.
Read MoreEver since COVID-19 forced NYC’s local, nonessential small businesses to close at the end of March, runners have lost in-person access to two of our favorite haunts: Jack Rabbit and Brooklyn Running Company.
Read MoreThe Prospect Park Track Club has members-only meetings the first Monday of the month. Usually, the group gathers at Da Nonna Rosa on 7th Avenue in Brooklyn, but like most things right now, this meeting had to go virtual in the spring.
Read MoreIn this time of physical distancing, it’s easy to feel disconnected from our teammates. Kate Bashore, a former Brooklynite now representing PPTC Mountain West out of Colorado (along with her husband and fellow teammate, Efren Caballes), decided to combat that by virtually reuniting her past Ragnar teams for an ongoing relay.
Read MoreLooking to test yourself on some running trivia after your long run? Running Away With It, the first of possibly several running-themed crossword puzzles, has you covered.
Read MoreThis is the last post in an eight-part post series that shares some insight into what some of PPTC’s teachers and parents are going through. Today’s interview is with Jana Veliskova.
Read MoreThis is the seventh of an eight-part post series that shares some insight into what some of PPTC’s teachers and parents are going through. Today’s interview is with Jonathan Giles.
Read MoreThis is the sixth of an eight-part post series that shares some insight into what some of PPTC’s teachers and parents are going through. Today’s interview is with Pam Ritchie.
Read MoreEveryone, we are sure, is aware of the directions that people wear face coverings in public. We, as runners, have been acutely aware of these directions and their impact on our sport.
Read MoreThis is the fifth of an eight-part post series that shares some insight into what some of PPTC’s teachers and parents are going through. Today’s interview is with Kelly Greene.
Read MoreWe grieve the untimely death of Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old black runner who was gunned down on February 23, 2020, while on a run in his own neighborhood in Brunswick, Georgia.
Read MoreThis is the fourth of an eight-part post series that shares some insight into what some of PPTC’s teachers and parents are going through. Today’s interview is with Mike Scourby.
Read MoreThis is the third of an eight-part post series that shares some insight into what some of PPTC’s teachers and parents are going through. Today’s interview is with Isaac Josephson.
Read MoreDid you know that the first Earth Day was observed on April 22, 1970 – the same year PPTC was founded? Ryan Glantz, Manager of Public Programs at Prospect Park’s Audubon Center, talked to us about the history of the Audubon Center, as well as the art of bird-watching.
Read MoreLast Monday, PPTC’s race committee met virtually to chat about a topic on the mind of many runners: When will we be able to run our first post-COVID-19 race?
Read MoreThis blog series chronicles the lives of PPTC-ers during the COVID-19 crisis: This week’s profile is Allan Co.
Read MoreWhether you are a gym rat lamenting over the closure of all gyms, or if you are just looking for a way to stay fit, get fit, or occupy some of your time at home, there are a lot of online resources that might be helpful.
Read MoreThe Prospect Park Track Club has members-only meetings the first Monday of the month at Da Nonna Rosa. Here’s the recap of the March meeting.
Read MoreThe Prospect Park Track Club has members-only meetings the first Monday of the month at Da Nonna Rosa. Here’s the recap of the February meeting.
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